“To my fans across the globe, thank you for the memories, I cherish the memories as much as you do!”
~Meadowlark Lemon
We continue to hear wonderful stories about how Meadowlark touched people’s lives during his journey around the world. We would love to hear your story so that we might expand his legacy by sharing them with others and continuing his messages of Encouragement, Inspiration and Joy.
At the age of 15, Ramy Doss saw Meadowlark Lemon play with the Globetrotters in his hometown of Cairo, Egypt. At that time he looked over at his friend and said, “Meadowlark comes to small towns like ours and brings Joy to the Whole-World – he needs to stay healthy and live for many years”.
In 2013, Meadowlark was rushed to the Scottsdale Hospital in Arizona with severe pain in his left side, which turned out to be caused by a life-threatening blood clot. It was the first time Meadowlark had ever been in the hospital.
It was determined that Meadowlark would need heart surgery. More than 30 years later they would meet again…Dr. Ramy Doss, now a cardiologist, put together a “Dream Team” of Doctors to save Meadowlark’s life. Dr. Robert D. Riley (who also had seen Meadowlark play with the Globetrotters in Philadelphia) performed a minimal-invasive-mitral-heart-valve-replacement surgery. He is one of the few doctors in the world who performs this type surgery.
Doctors came to visit Meadowlark every day in his hospital room to tell him their “Meadowlark memories from when they saw him play when they were just kids…unforgettable joyful family memories!”
Meadowlark felt so very grateful and lucky, just weeks after the surgery he took Dr. Doss and Dr. Riley to the 2013 Basketball Hall of Fame Enshrinement weekend where they received a standing ovation when introduced as the Doctors who saved his life. “They fixed me up and I’ve been playing basketball again! I’ve traveled this year to Austria and Germany to visit the troops and do a Camp Meadowlark Basketball Camp for their teenage kids stationed there with them. I’m doing speaking events and playing basketball again with my team, Meadowlark Lemon’s Harlem All Stars!”
Little did that young 15 year old boy from Cairo, Egypt know when he saw his beloved Meadowlark play basketball that day, that he would one day become a Cardiac surgeon and have a hand in saving his life.
We know the impact Meadowlark Lemon has had amongst many of his fans, friends and family and we want to hear your story! If you have an amazing story you would like to share with us about Meadowlark Lemon please feel free to submit your story below or email us at Sheree@MeadowlarkLLF.org.